In the second installment of the "Warrior" series, Pastor Joe Donohue explores the enemy’s tactics as outlined in Ephesians 6:10-18. By examining four strategies of the devil—deception, temptation, division, and opposition—this message equips believers with biblical insights to resist spiritual attacks. Learn how to stand firm in God’s power and walk in victory through practical, Christ-centered steps.
Kick off the new year with Warrior, a sermon series on spiritual warfare by Pastor Joe Donohue. In this message, Pastor Joe shares a personal story of adversity to illustrate the unseen battles believers face. Learn how obedience to Jesus empowers us to overcome the enemy, stand firm in faith, and experience victory in every area of life.
In this message from Pastor Joe Donahue, discover the reality of the unseen world and how spiritual battles impact our daily lives. Drawing from Ephesians 6 and Luke 8, Pastor Joe explores the destructive influence of demonic forces and the protective power of angels, while emphasizing Jesus' ultimate authority over all creation. Learn how stepping into the light of Christ can bring freedom, peace, and hope.