Meeting Jesus Beach Church Meeting Jesus Beach Church

Meeting Jesus - Jesus heals the leper

Perhaps like me, you had an abusive, alcoholic parent who was mean and hurtful to you, or maybe somebody betrayed your trust and took advantage of you. Maybe you were neglected and abused by a spouse, or grew up in a violent and dysfunctional home. The world has been broken by sin. That means that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. And, bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people. A newsflash for all of us: Life is not fair! Nothing in life seems to be consistent and fair because the world has been broken by sin.

Some people believe Jesus is a republican, a democrat, or an independent. Some people believe that Jesus is like a Genie in a bottle–if you rub the lamp through prayer, you get whatever you want. Still, some view Jesus like a Mascot the church rallies around once a week.Over this next year, we are going to seek to understand who Jesus really was,what he was really like, and how you and I can become more like Him.

Here at Beach Church, we believe if we read God’s Word and apply his Word, he Will change our lives.Last week we talked about the importance of continuing to surrender to Jesus in our lives, and this week we are taking a look at Luke 5:12-16 when Jesus changes another man’s life.

The majority of us have experienced something traumatic in our lives, that we had to learn to deal with.

Maybe it was an unexpected layoff. Maybe a spouse filing for a divorce you did not want. Maybe your child was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease.

Some trauma comes to us through no fault of our own. 

Perhaps like me, you had an abusive, alcoholic parent who was mean and hurtful to you, or maybe somebody betrayed your trust and took advantage of you. Maybe you were neglected and abused by a spouse, or grew up in a violent and dysfunctional home. The world has been broken by sin. That means that bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people. And, bad things happen to bad people and good things happen to good people.  

A newsflash for all of us: 

Life is not fair! Nothing in life seems to be consistent and fair because the world has been broken by sin.


When my teachers would punish the whole class for something one person did, I would stand up, interrupt the class and shout: “That’s not fair.”

If my brothers or sisters received a toy, and I didn’t  - I would say, “That’s not fair.”

Today, we read about a man dying a slow, painful death through no fault of his own…and nothing could be done to help him.  I am sure he mumbled many times, “Life’s not fair.”

Luke 5:12-16

In one of the villages, Jesus met a man with an advanced case of leprosy. When the man saw Jesus, he bowed with his face to the ground, begging to be healed. “Lord,” he said, “if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean.” 13  Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared. 14  Then Jesus instructed him not to tell anyone what had happened. He said, “Go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.” 15  But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. 16  But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. 

It is important to understand this incident in the proper context. Leprosy was a terrible disease. The moment it was discovered a person had leprosy, their clothes, possessions, and bedding were destroyed through fire.  Then, their family disowned them and shunned them for the rest of their lives. Even if they had wealth and money – they lost it all. A person never asked for Leprosy, but they got it. Like Covid, a virus, cancer, or the common cold, a person contracted Leprosy through no fault of their own. Whether old, young, rich or poor, a leper was shunned by friends, family and the community.  

As a leper traveled and walked along the road or trails, they had to yell “Unclean!  Unclean!”  and ring a bell to make sure people knew they were diseased and for all to stay clear. And, their condition grew worse and worse. They grew a bit more grotesque and diseased every day.  In their leper colonies, they watched each other literally rot away, losing fingers and toes, losing limbs, going blind, horribly disfigured they would eventually die…of either starvation or rot.

Can you imagine that life? To be grouped together with a group of diseased people and watching them one-by-one die a painful death, knowing that one day, you would also meet that same fate.  And – the psychological consequences of Leprosy were as damaging as the physical. They carried SHAME and GUILT even though they were innocent victims of the disease. Historians tell us that they often blamed themselves.

This man HATED himself and all that he had become.

This man had become the most grotesque version of himself he could possibly be. I believe He Hated who he was and what he had become. And maybe that’s where you are today.

Maybe somebody hurt you as a child, and you blame yourself. Maybe you were in an abusive relationship for years, and you blame and shame yourself for not getting out sooner. You were hurt. Your kids were hurt. You are weighed down by guilt you should not be carrying. Maybe you have an eating disorder, an addiction to drugs or alcohol, and you have hurt people who loved you. Maybe you were the abuser, you have deep regrets about the pain you caused. Maybe you just can’t look at yourself in the mirror any longer because you hate the person. you are today.


As Jesus is moving about in the village – this diseased leper hobbles to Jesus, bowing down to the ground in shame and pleads: “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean!”. Without hesitating, drawing back in horror, or recoiling, Jesus takes a step toward the man and said, “I am willing – and he TOUCHES the man!”

The day he was diagnosed, people stopped touching him. 

No handshakes. 

No hugs. 

No pat on the back. 

No stealing kisses from the woman he loved. 

No butterfly kisses on his cheek from his children or grandchildren.


Then – this stranger reaches out his hand and TOUCHES the Leper. BEFORE he healed him!

The touch came first, then came the healing.

If you are a follower of Jesus, you came to a moment that you understood that you NEEDED the cleansing power of Jesus to change your life, too.  You understood the ugliness of your sin. That your sin separated you from God. But Jesus death on the cross paid the price for your sin and through his blood, you were cleansed from sin and made new. You Surrendered your life to Jesus and committed your life to following him.

If you are a follower of Jesus – understand if we want to make a difference in this broken world, we must reach out with a compassionate TOUCH before we can make a difference.

If people around you are broken – reach out with compassion. 

Be willing to meet them where they are.  Show them uncomfortable grace. Some people are so broken they hate themselves and they are ready to give up – show them the compassion of Jesus.  Your character and beliefs are never compromised by showing compassion to people overwhelmed by sin.

And, if you are at the place that you hate yourself because of choices you made, things you have done, words you have said, and hurt you have caused to others…JESUS is still reaching out to you.

You may hate yourself – but God loves you 

He knows how you feel about yourself…

He knows what you think about yourself…

But he will never stop reaching out to you.

Jesus will never ever stop reaching out to you. So reach back out to Him. Surrender control of your life to Him. 

Tell Him you are tired of making up the rules for your life. Tell Him you are ready to live by his rules. Beginning this moment, get clean on the inside.

Surrender your life to God and receive forgiveness for sins. Just simply say to God, “I believe Jesus paid the price for my sins, and I surrender to you. I will stop living by my own rules, and begin following you.”

Now, for all of us, it is important that we understand:


In verse 13, we see that this man was healed immediately by Jesus.  I have heard of those miraculous moments in people’s lives when they struggle with anger, or addiction, or they have been diagnosed with cancer – and they are healed instantly!

I have seen the before and after of medical ultrasounds of tumors that are suddenly gone. I have spoken with men and women who had their desire for drunkenness and getting high instantly disappear. I praise the Lord for those sudden, dramatic, healings that demonstrate God’s power.

But, sometimes healing is a process that takes time.

PTSD healing takes time.

Overcoming depression and anxiety takes time.

Overcoming abuse, church hurt, and sadness can take time.

Much of the hurt you and I have experienced in life requires us to process through prayer, reading the Bible, counseling, and programs like Celebrate Recovery.

If you have any hurt, habit, or hangup that you wrestle with – Invest in healing for yourself by attending Celebrate Recovery and be open and honest about what you are hoping to recover from…Jesus heals today instantly, and he also heals through a process of time, prayer, conversation and understanding.

Wherever you are at, and whatever you need healing from, you are worth beginning the process and the journey.

Then, as you grow to a point of change and transformation…


Luke 5:14

…He said, “Go to the priest… Take along the offering … This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.” 

Jewish Old Testament Law required that those cured of an infectious disease receive permission to re-enter society from the Priests.  This man with the advanced case of leprosy must have hungered for years for a priest to say, “You are clean!”  Being healed from the disease would mean that he could return to his family, return to an occupation, and from that point on – he would never be alone, lonely, or by himself again because of his disease!

No more watching families from a distance. No more watching Father and Sons go to the synagogue together…and wishing that was him. Now he could be hugged! Now he could hug others! Now he could love and be loved by others…Through the touch of Jesus – he got a second-chance at life!

But before he could live in the NEW – the change had to be announced.

Some of you have experienced the life-changing power of forgiveness in your lives…It is time for the PUBLIC TESTIMONY of Baptism to let your world know that you are now a follower of Jesus. It is time to let your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors celebrate the change you have experienced.  Baptism is an outward declaration of the inward change you have experienced…is it time you have stopped holding back?

When you announce, others can celebrate and God is glorified.

It is time to let your world know you are now a follower of Jesus. You have been forgiven for your sins. You are not the same person you once were.

Let your world know.

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